About Art & Breakfast Meeting
Art & Breakfast Meeting は、誰もが開催者となり、朝食を通してビジターとアートの場を共有するプロジェクトです。朝食というパーソナルなコミュニケーションを通してアートやアーティストと関わることで、人々とアートを近づけることを目的として、世界中のアーティストやアートスペースのオープン・スタジオ、エキシビション、アートイベント、ワークショップなどと連動して開催されています。
このプロジェクトは、アーティストの三田村光土里が2006年から世界各地で継続中の滞在制作プロジェクト・Art & Breakfast のイベントとして始まりました。滞在先で人々と朝食をともにすることで、その土地の文化、歴史、様々な日常の問題について多くの気付きが制作に反映し、作品が生み出されます。
【Art & Breakfast Meeting 応募要項】
③Art & BreakfastのロゴとサインシートのPDFファイルを配布。
④月ごとの開催地情報をメールリリース&Facebook やTwitterで告知
開催する方は Eメールにて情報を記入した申し込みフォームをお送りください。
Art & Breakfast Meeting is a project in which everyone can be a host and shares art spaces with visitors over breakfast.
The goal is to get people and art closer by engaging with art and artists through the personal communication of breakfast. The event has been held in conjunction with open studios, exhibitions, art events, and workshops by artists and art spaces around the world.
This project began as an event of Art & Breakfast, which is an ongoing art project of Miodori Mitamura traveling around the world since 2006. Sharing breakfast with the people at each residency, the artist is able to aware of the local culture, history, and various everyday issues, which are reflected in her artworks
Call for Hosts
Let's host your art meeting with breakfast
"Art & Breakfast Meeting" is a project of art events that combines art scenes and breakfast around the world. The aim of this project is to get people closer to art through intimate personal connections using breakfast as a catalyst. This project promotes the free presentation /expression and communication among artists.
Please make good use of Art & Breakfast Meeting for your exhibitions, open studios, artist meetings or any art events. Your information will be released to public by Art & Breakfast Website, mail news, Facebook Page and social medias.
Art & Breakfast Meeting aims to expand this special communication table to the world and connect art and people in your art scene. This event enables artists and art spaces to enjoy the free and experimental practice, including performances, filming and any presentation inspired from breakfast while enjoying their breakfast.
Please download Entry Form from here and submit via midorium@gmail.com